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Forgive others as quickly as you expect Allah (God) to forgive you

Service Category: Services

One of our future programs includes networking. We will update you on this soon, Insha Allah. ...

CMO wants to make sure that we recite the Holy Qur'an properly (with Tajweed). Virtual Tajweed classes are being offered for children and adults free of charge, Alhamdu Lillah. ...

CMO has published the following booklets: 1........ 2........ 3......... We intend to publish more books in the near future, Insha Allah. ...

During pandemic members of Canadian Muslim organization delivered food to the homes of the families in need. CMO arranges Ijtamae Qurbani(Udhiyah) on Eid ul Adha. Last year, ................ Qurabanis were arranged in Kashmir, Pakistan, Bangladesh ...

Monthly programs for kids is our main activity. Encouraging and empowering every child to learn Islam is our main goal. We like to inspire every child to recite the Holy Qur'an and Naats, talk about the Seerah of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi...

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