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Forgive others as quickly as you expect Allah (God) to forgive you

Author: wp-admin


Spreading Islamic Knowledge Through the Love of The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ CMO invites you and your family to join our Ramadan Special Program ...

Kalima-e-Tayyabah (Word of Purity) Pronunciation: Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu...

What Qur’an Says about Ramadan? “O believers! fasting has been made compulsory for you as it was compulsory for those before you so that you may become pious” (2:183) “The month of Ramadan in which was sent down the Qur’an - the guidance f...

1. What is Hajj? It is a visit to the Ka’ba, the House of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. 2. What Holy Qur’an says about Hajj? There are many verses of Holy Qur’an about Hajj. For example, Chapter 2, Verse 197 of Holy Qur’an says: ...

1. Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has said, إذا دخل رمضان فتحت أبواب...

Facts About Islamic Calander: It was started after the Hijra of our Beloved Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam from the City of Makkah to the City of Medina. Following are the names of months in the Islamic Calendar: [table id=1 /]...

Islamic Quiz - is a compilation of some important basic questions and answers about Islam. This booklet is very beneficial for children as well as for adults. This booklet is one of few booklets published and distributed by CMO among participants o...

Fard Parts before the Salat: 1. Body has to be clean of all sorts of impurities. 2. Garments should be clean and pure. 3. Place of salat should be clean. 4. Covering of Satr. 5. The right time for salat. 6. Facing the Qiblah. 7. Havin...

Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s Essays Milad-un-Nabi Time is always changing. Mankind’s nature, thoughts and outlooks are moving with time. Accordingly, the method of channelling them also changes. That i...

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